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Claremont Speaks
May 5, 2021

Interview with Catherine McIntosh, Board member of the Claremont Museum of Art and Scripps Fine Arts Foundation

Interview with Catherine McIntosh, Board member of the Claremont Museum of Art and Scripps Fine Arts Foundation

By many in the art world, Claremont is regarded as being one of the centers of the Mid-Century movement.  Claremont native Catherine McIntosh grew up in Padua Hills with father and renowned ceramist Harrison McIntosh and mother Marguerite, founder of the Claremont Museum of Art.  As a child up through college age, she was surrounded by other artists including Rummy Deese, and having neighbors including Millard Sheets, Betty Ford, Bert, and Hoppy Stewart, Hildred Reents and Milford Zornes, and often visited Sam Maloof, Catherine was immersed in the inner circle of art greats from an early age.  In this episode, Catherine recounts what it was like to be in that inner circle as a child, and her accomplishments since returning to Claremont after a 30-year photo-journalist career in Houston to come back to Claremont and jump right back into that art world, this time to preserve and assist the Claremont Museum of Art through the difficult times of the last decade's recession, the current successes including the opening and then expansion of the Claremont Museum of Art (now at the Depot on First Street), and describe the many exciting exhibits and shows to come.
 If art is your passion, and Claremont's artists are among your favorites, this episode will provide a look inside how Claremont became the focal point of the art movement, what the continued benefits to the city and its position as an unmatched center of creativity, art and culture.

Scripps Fine Art Foundation

Claremont Museum of Art

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