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Claremont Speaks
Aug. 18, 2021

Interview with Claremont's Doctor Monica Ellis-Blied, Clinical Psychologist, specializing in ADHD and Autism Assessment.

Interview with Claremont's Doctor Monica Ellis-Blied, Clinical Psychologist, specializing in ADHD and Autism Assessment.

Our guest for this episode is Claremont's own  Dr. Monica Blied, the co-author of 12 journal articles, 4 book chapters, and over 60 conference presentations, and is an Adjunct Professor at Pepperdine University.  She serves the public through her work on the Medical Advisory Board for Lupus LA (as a Lupus Warrior) and the California Psychological Association. As a Clinical Psychologist who specializes in the testing and assessment of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and Autism.   Additionally, and unlikely in equal measure, she is a mother of 3, the founder of Faces of Health Wellness Center, providing integrative care to adults with chronic medical illnesses, and she also teaches Chair Yoga.

In this interview, Dr. Blied recounts the path to her many achievements, the personal drivers behind her passion for helping teens and adults - especially women - who may have had ADHD or Autism all their lives, yet it went undiagnosed for a variety of reasons.  She offers insight and recommendations on living with Lupus, keeping one's faith in the face mounting challenges, and her perspectives in turning what others look at as handicaps into superpowers,

Dr. Blied's likeable and humorous demeanor combined with her uplifting and inspiring accounts of some of her greatest successes will give your day a boost and, we hope, encourage some to get the help they genuinely need - a great listen either way.
Contact Information:
Direct : 909-741-2849
email: drblied@drblied.com
Private Practice info: www.drblied.com
ADHD Evaluations: www.drblied.com/adhd
For appointments  www.drblied.com/schedule-appointment/ 

Feedback, questions, comments, constructive criticism are all welcomed and encouraged.
Send to claremontspeaks@gmail.com with Feedback in the subject line, or go to the appropriate page on Claremont Speaks' website - https://www.claremontspeaks.com

Claremont Speaks is a Paradise Road Media production. PRM is dedicated to helping you create, launch and produce your own podcast, allowing you to focus on being the creator while PRM does the rest. To explore using the power of your own podcast for your self or to promote your business, charity, political group...or any other reason...email paradiseroadmedia@gmail.com.

Claremont Speaks' goal is to provide Claremont's people, businesses, charities, political organizations and active citizens/coalitions an improved venue for speaking out, and being heard in their own words and voice. 

To become a guest speaker on Claremont Speaks, please either email russ@claremontspeaks.com and/or fill out the Claremont Speaks Guest Intake Form and clarify the issues or topics about which you wish to speak.  There are very few restrictions nor limits on topics, time, even language...which is counter to what is offered at City meetings and similar public events.